Olin Scholar is a search engine that searches all databases that Olin subscribes to as well as databases that we do not subscribe to. It is a great place to conduct your research if you are interested in finding all available sources.
To access Olin Scholar, you can click the link here: library.olin.edu.
Our A-Z Database List is a list of all databases that Olin either subscribes to or that are open access. To access the A-Z Database List, go to the link here: A-Z Database List.
There are multiple helpful tools on the A-Z Database List:
If you find something during your research that is behind a paywall, fill out an Interlibrary Loan. You can find the link for Interlibrary Loan requests here: Interlibrary Loan Request Form.
We will process your request and get the item to you. This helps you to save money and still get access to the resources you need!